If a tyre loses all or most of its air pressure, it must be removed from the wheel for a complete internal inspection to be sure it's not damaged. Tyres that are run even short distances while flat are often damaged beyond repair. Most punctures, nail holes, or cuts up to 1/4 inch -- confined to the tread -- may be satisfactorily repaired by trained personnel using industry-approved methods. Don't repair tyres with tread punctures larger than 1/4 inch, or any sidewall puncture. Also, never repair tyres which are worn below 1/16 inch tread depth. Your best bet is to make sure your spare tyre is always ready to do the job. Check it regularly for proper air pressure and be sure that it is in good shape. If your car is equipped with one of the several types of temporary spares, be sure to check the spare tyre's sidewall for the correct inflation pressure, speed, and mileage limitations. See your D2D retailer for expert tyre repair.